Manabe在1958年 (27歲) 受美國氣象局General Circulation Research Section (GFDL的前身) 首位主任Joseph Smagorinsky邀請,從日本來到美國工作,然後在GFDL待了快40年才退休,他最重要的研究貢獻基本上都是在GFDL時期完成。他跟Joseph Smagorinsky的關係,應該可說是現代版的千里馬和伯樂吧。
也來講一下文化衝擊。Manabe來到美國後,相當融入美國文化,像是吃漢堡,看美式足球,還有他的工作環境之類。聽說他是NFL Washington Redskins的死忠球迷,我想是因為華盛頓DC是他第一個在美國住的地方。 題外話,在2020年七月,隊名Redskins被拿掉,因為Redskins對印地安人有冒犯意味。新隊名還沒取,所以現在叫Washington Football Team。跟他差不多時間來美國的Miyakoda和Kurihara就維持比較像日本的生活方式。
“The cultural shock varied in both kind and intensity. SM [Manabe] was most adaptive and was determined to fit in: hamburgers, professional football and his working environment. KM [Miyakoda] came from a theatrical milieu. In many ways he was a Japanese traditionalist, but he also admired Western art. He has always retained an aura of inscrutability. YK [Kurihara] adapted... but retained strong ties to his ethnic roots. For example, he diligently administered a Japanese correspondence course for his children in parallel with their American school education. Part of this was practically motivated, in case they wanted to take examinations for Japanese universities.” (J. Smagorinsky 1992, personal communication; taken from Lewis 2008).
千里馬仍需伯樂。Manabe這匹千里馬,被伯樂Joseph Smagorinsky相中後,一日千里,為大氣領域奠定了重要貢獻。
Lewis, J. M., 1993: Meteorologists from the University of Tokyo: Their Exodus to the United States Following World War II. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 74, 1351–1360, https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(1993)074<1351:mftuot>2.0.co;2.
Lewis, J. M., 2008: SMAGORINSKY’S GFDL. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89, 1339–1354, https://doi.org/10.1175/2008BAMS2599.1.
Biography of Syukuro Manabe: Early Life, Career, Awards and Achievement
Suki Manabe, 2010 William Bowie Medal Winner response
Suki Manabe. Photo credit: GFDL
Suki Manabe的生平:
1931,出生於日本愛媛縣宇摩郡新立村 (現四國中央市)。祖父和父親是鎮上唯一的醫生
1958-1963:Research Meteorologist, General Circulation Research Section, U.S. Weather Bureau
1963-1997:Senior Research Meteorologist, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA
2002-present: Senior meteorologist, Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University
Suki Manabe獲獎無數,包括1992年由美國氣象協會頒的Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal,這應該是大氣科學的最高榮譽,還有2021諾貝爾物理獎。除此之外,他也鼓舞了無數年輕科學家投入大氣科學的研究,他的博士生Issac Held (1948年出生,今年73歲,目前是GFDL的Senior Research Scientist),是大氣動力和氣候模式的大師之一。
Issac Held的訪談:
'Isaac Held, senior meteorologist in the Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, first worked with Manabe as a Ph.D. student at Princeton. ”He’s a humble guy, and he’s funny, and he’s excited about his research. I am impressed by his intuitive feel for the climate system,” Held said. “That’s what always stood out to me right from the beginning.”
“He seemed to have a better understanding of how things fit together and what was important and what wasn’t important, and especially for those things that are relevant for climate change and the response to increasing greenhouse gases,” Held added. “He was way ahead of the curve. All of his ideas really — just about all of them — have turned out to be correct and foundational to the subject.”'
Manabe的父親和祖父都是醫生,而且是鎮上唯一的醫生。Manabe的少年時代碰到二次世界大戰,所以他的小學,國中,高中,甚至大學教育應該都有遇到中斷期,很多時候要靠自修。當他拿到學位後,戰後的日本處於重建期,生活條件很差,工作機會很少,應該是他會想去美國工作的原因之一。除了Manabe以外,還有一群日本氣象學家在1950-60年代移民美國,像是Kikuro Miyakoda,Akio Arakawa,Michio Yanai等。他們對氣象學許多領域有著巨大貢獻,對這群日本氣象學家故事有興趣的話,可以看一下 Lewis (1993, BAMS),或是我之前的筆記:東大11人:1950-60年代移民美國的日本氣象學家。
1955年,美國氣象局成立大氣環流研究部門 (General Circulation Research Section, U.S. Weather Bureau),首位主任是Joseph Smagorinsky,當時31歲。這個部門改過幾次名字,搬過幾次地方,1963年改名為GFDL後沿用至今,目前落腳於普林斯頓大學。
GCRS和Smagorinsky的任務之一是建立一個全球氣象模式,GCRS一開始的人員規劃是13人 (4個氣象學家,其中一位兼主任,2個氣象學家助手,4個程式人員,2個電腦人員,1個打字員; Lewis 2008)。GCRS成立後的10年內,吸引了許多優秀科學家加入,像是J. Leith Holloway, Robert Strickler, George Collins, 和Dick Wetherald,還有Suki Manabe。
1950-60年代,當時的資訊流通程度遠遠比不上現在,人在美國的Smagorinsky會發現人在日本的Manabe並邀請他到美國工作,是件很不容易的事,加上當時Manabe還在攻讀博士學位,沒什麼學術文章發表,在大氣領域內可說是一點名氣都沒有。Smagorinsky說他會注意到Manabe,一是當時東大Shigekata Syono教授領導的數值天氣預報研究成果,二是當時幾個已經在美國的日本氣象學家的亮眼表現 (Kasahara, Ogura, and Sasaki),還有他在閱讀這些日本氣象學家的文章時,常常看到兩個人的名字,一是Suki Manabe,另一個是Kikuro Miyakoda。雖然Manabe的名字並不是常常出現在作者名單,但很多日本氣象學家把一些根本idea歸功於他:
“At first, most of my information about Japanese meteorologists came from the English-language Japanese periodical [possibly Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan or Geophysical Notes, University of Tokyo]. Later, this was augmented by first-hand evaluations and opinions by some of the earlier Japanese meteorologists [Kasahara, Ogura, and Sasaki].” (Joseph Smagorinsky. 1992, personal communication; taken from Lewis 1993)
“I had been reading some papers about Japanese scientists, came across two names that seemed to crop up time after time. One was Manabe, the other was Kikuro Miyakoda. The thing that intrigued me about Manabe's name is that it didn't so much appear on papers that he had written, but on papers that his colleagues had written where they were crediting him with some of the basic ideas .. . So I made him an offer .. . he came as a visitor .. . I couldn't offer him a permanent job, he was an alien. I needed again very special permission to hire a foreigner. It really probably had never been done, but that started a precedent.” (Smagorinsky 1986; taken from Lewis 2008)
“Syukuro Manabe came to GFDL [a few months] before he actually got his D.Sc., well before he had a substantial publication record. His work on wintertime air mass transformation over the Sea of Japan was appealing, and... [we] anticipated needs to construct radiative submodels for the general circulation model. “ (Joseph Smagorinsky. 1992, personal communication; taken from Lewis 1993)
“Joe already had a grand vision of modeling the atmospheric general circulation and climate using the so-called primitive equations of motion and had begun to construct such a model. Immediately, I was involved in simple parameterizations of land-surface processes and cumulus convection, and the construction of a radiative transfer algorithm. This was the beginning of a long-term research project which continues today [1997]”. (S. Manabe 1997, personal communication; taken from Lewis 2008)
“It was 1958 when Joe invited me to join his group at the U.S. Weather Bureau in order to develop a general circulation model of the atmosphere. Having almost completed my Ph.D. thesis at the University of Tokyo, I accepted his invitation and joined his group. Inspired by his ambitious plan for constructing a comprehensive model of climate, I immediately participated in the development of the model. This was the beginning of my very long career in climate modeling. As the director of the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Joe hired a small group of young, hardworking scientists who helped each other well and were very generous in sharing ideas. He minimized our involvement in red tape and other administrative duties, making it possible for us to focus our attention on research. As a matter of fact, I did not have to write a single research proposal. Joe somehow managed to make expensive, top-of-the-line computers always available at our laboratory. I am very grateful to Joe and to NOAA, who supported him, for creating such an ideal environment for the study of climate.” (Suki Manabe, 2010 William Bowie Medal Winner response, https://honors.agu.org/winners/syukuro-manabe/)
Suki Manabe的生平:
1931,出生於日本愛媛縣宇摩郡新立村 (現四國中央市)。祖父和父親是鎮上唯一的醫生
1958-1963:Research Meteorologist, General Circulation Research Section, U.S. Weather Bureau
1963-1997:Senior Research Meteorologist, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA
2002-present: Senior meteorologist, Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University
Suki Manabe獲獎無數,包括1992年由美國氣象協會頒的Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal,這應該是大氣科學的最高榮譽,還有2021諾貝爾物理獎。除此之外,他也鼓舞了無數年輕科學家投入大氣科學的研究,他的博士生Issac Held (1948年出生,今年73歲,目前是GFDL的Senior Research Scientist),是大氣動力和氣候模式的大師之一。
Issac Held的訪談:
'Isaac Held, senior meteorologist in the Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, first worked with Manabe as a Ph.D. student at Princeton. ”He’s a humble guy, and he’s funny, and he’s excited about his research. I am impressed by his intuitive feel for the climate system,” Held said. “That’s what always stood out to me right from the beginning.”
“He seemed to have a better understanding of how things fit together and what was important and what wasn’t important, and especially for those things that are relevant for climate change and the response to increasing greenhouse gases,” Held added. “He was way ahead of the curve. All of his ideas really — just about all of them — have turned out to be correct and foundational to the subject.”'
Suki Manabe (left) and Issac Held (right), 2021. Photo credit: Gabriel Vecchi
1955年,美國氣象局成立大氣環流研究部門 (General Circulation Research Section, U.S. Weather Bureau),首位主任是Joseph Smagorinsky,當時31歲。這個部門改過幾次名字,搬過幾次地方,1963年改名為GFDL後沿用至今,目前落腳於普林斯頓大學。
- General Circulation Research Section (GCRS, 1955-59), Federal Office Building 4 (FOB 4), Suitland, Maryland
- General Circulation Research Laboratory (GCRL, 1959-63), 15 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (1963-present), both 15 Pennsylvania Avenue and Forrestal Campus of Princeton University.
1950-60年代,當時的資訊流通程度遠遠比不上現在,人在美國的Smagorinsky會發現人在日本的Manabe並邀請他到美國工作,是件很不容易的事,加上當時Manabe還在攻讀博士學位,沒什麼學術文章發表,在大氣領域內可說是一點名氣都沒有。Smagorinsky說他會注意到Manabe,一是當時東大Shigekata Syono教授領導的數值天氣預報研究成果,二是當時幾個已經在美國的日本氣象學家的亮眼表現 (Kasahara, Ogura, and Sasaki),還有他在閱讀這些日本氣象學家的文章時,常常看到兩個人的名字,一是Suki Manabe,另一個是Kikuro Miyakoda。雖然Manabe的名字並不是常常出現在作者名單,但很多日本氣象學家把一些根本idea歸功於他:
“At first, most of my information about Japanese meteorologists came from the English-language Japanese periodical [possibly Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan or Geophysical Notes, University of Tokyo]. Later, this was augmented by first-hand evaluations and opinions by some of the earlier Japanese meteorologists [Kasahara, Ogura, and Sasaki].” (Joseph Smagorinsky. 1992, personal communication; taken from Lewis 1993)
“I had been reading some papers about Japanese scientists, came across two names that seemed to crop up time after time. One was Manabe, the other was Kikuro Miyakoda. The thing that intrigued me about Manabe's name is that it didn't so much appear on papers that he had written, but on papers that his colleagues had written where they were crediting him with some of the basic ideas .. . So I made him an offer .. . he came as a visitor .. . I couldn't offer him a permanent job, he was an alien. I needed again very special permission to hire a foreigner. It really probably had never been done, but that started a precedent.” (Smagorinsky 1986; taken from Lewis 2008)
“Syukuro Manabe came to GFDL [a few months] before he actually got his D.Sc., well before he had a substantial publication record. His work on wintertime air mass transformation over the Sea of Japan was appealing, and... [we] anticipated needs to construct radiative submodels for the general circulation model. “ (Joseph Smagorinsky. 1992, personal communication; taken from Lewis 1993)
“Joe already had a grand vision of modeling the atmospheric general circulation and climate using the so-called primitive equations of motion and had begun to construct such a model. Immediately, I was involved in simple parameterizations of land-surface processes and cumulus convection, and the construction of a radiative transfer algorithm. This was the beginning of a long-term research project which continues today [1997]”. (S. Manabe 1997, personal communication; taken from Lewis 2008)
“It was 1958 when Joe invited me to join his group at the U.S. Weather Bureau in order to develop a general circulation model of the atmosphere. Having almost completed my Ph.D. thesis at the University of Tokyo, I accepted his invitation and joined his group. Inspired by his ambitious plan for constructing a comprehensive model of climate, I immediately participated in the development of the model. This was the beginning of my very long career in climate modeling. As the director of the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Joe hired a small group of young, hardworking scientists who helped each other well and were very generous in sharing ideas. He minimized our involvement in red tape and other administrative duties, making it possible for us to focus our attention on research. As a matter of fact, I did not have to write a single research proposal. Joe somehow managed to make expensive, top-of-the-line computers always available at our laboratory. I am very grateful to Joe and to NOAA, who supported him, for creating such an ideal environment for the study of climate.” (Suki Manabe, 2010 William Bowie Medal Winner response, https://honors.agu.org/winners/syukuro-manabe/)
也來講一下文化衝擊。Manabe來到美國後,相當融入美國文化,像是吃漢堡,看美式足球,還有他的工作環境之類。聽說他是NFL Washington Redskins的死忠球迷,我想是因為華盛頓DC是他第一個在美國住的地方。 題外話,在2020年七月,隊名Redskins被拿掉,因為Redskins對印地安人有冒犯意味。新隊名還沒取,所以現在叫Washington Football Team。跟他差不多時間來美國的Miyakoda和Kurihara就維持比較像日本的生活方式。
“The cultural shock varied in both kind and intensity. SM [Manabe] was most adaptive and was determined to fit in: hamburgers, professional football and his working environment. KM [Miyakoda] came from a theatrical milieu. In many ways he was a Japanese traditionalist, but he also admired Western art. He has always retained an aura of inscrutability. YK [Kurihara] adapted... but retained strong ties to his ethnic roots. For example, he diligently administered a Japanese correspondence course for his children in parallel with their American school education. Part of this was practically motivated, in case they wanted to take examinations for Japanese universities.” (J. Smagorinsky 1992, personal communication; taken from Lewis 2008).
千里馬仍需伯樂。Manabe這匹千里馬,被伯樂Joseph Smagorinsky相中後,一日千里,為大氣領域奠定了重要貢獻。
Lewis, J. M., 1993: Meteorologists from the University of Tokyo: Their Exodus to the United States Following World War II. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 74, 1351–1360, https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(1993)074<1351:mftuot>2.0.co;2.
Lewis, J. M., 2008: SMAGORINSKY’S GFDL. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89, 1339–1354, https://doi.org/10.1175/2008BAMS2599.1.
Biography of Syukuro Manabe: Early Life, Career, Awards and Achievement
Suki Manabe, 2010 William Bowie Medal Winner response
2015 Benjamin Franklin Medal. A nice interview and video.
GFDL - Former NOAA scientist Suki Manabe shares Nobel Prize in Physics for pioneering climate prediction
2015 Benjamin Franklin Medal. A nice interview and video.
GFDL - Former NOAA scientist Suki Manabe shares Nobel Prize in Physics for pioneering climate prediction
Princeton - Princeton’s Syukuro Manabe receives Nobel Prize in physics
Wiki - Syukuro Manabe
Wiki - Syukuro Manabe