Joanne Simpson: Part 1 - personal life


剛看完這本書,"First woman: Joanne Simpson and the Tropical Atmosphere" by James R. Fleming。是本非常精彩的書,讓我非常動容。

Joanne Simpson (1923-2010) 在晚年把她的個人日記,研究筆記,照片,芭雷舞鞋等物品捐給Schlesinger Library of Radcliffe College,總稱為Simpson Papers。這本書引用了很多Simpson Papers的材料,讓讀者直接能感受她的想法,心情,和掙扎。看完這本書,我覺得好像稍微跟著Joanne走過她精彩但也無比艱辛的一生。

我很喜歡作者Fleming以Joanne和Herbert Riehl提出的熱塔假說 (“How Tower”)為比喻她的一生(p2-3; p84)。熱塔是指那些熱帶的深對流雲,這些深對流雲看起來就像一座座高塔,把熱量和水氣從海洋表面傳到整個對流層,提供能量給颶風,Hadley circulations,影響整個大氣環流。熱塔並不是頻繁發生,空氣塊必須衝破trade-wind inversion,才有機會形成熱塔,沒衝破的話,就是常見的晴天積雲。Joanne是美國第一位女性氣象學博士,她幾乎整個職業生涯都在對抗學術界對女性的歧視和不公,她的家庭和婚姻生活一路顛簸,更長期被中度到強烈的憂鬱症所苦。她對抗,衝破這些障礙,達成極高的科學成就,並為後來的女性科學家開路。她的存在和成就,如同熱塔,一個小空氣塊衝破重重重重阻礙後 (特別是因為女性身份遭遇的阻礙),一路高飛,成為壯麗驚人的熱塔。


Joanne出生在一個富裕家庭,但是沒有得到多少愛。對她母親Virginia來說,Joanne的出生是預期以外而且來得太早,使得她必須放棄成為一位記者的夢想,所以她非常討厭Joanne,甚至到憎恨的程度。Joanne想盡方法從母親那邊得到愛,但失敗了無數次。在Joanne六歲時弟弟Jerry出生,Virginia常常抱他親他,但幾乎從來沒有對Joanne這樣做。根據Joanne小時候的回憶, "I asked [Virginia], 'Why do you love him so much and don't love me?' Her reply seared like a heavy corroding acid in my chest for decades after: 'I love him because he is lovable. You have to be lovable to be loved.' The way she spoke gave me the clear message that I was unlovable as a permanent condition. I spent a substantial part of my life trying to make myself lovable or even likable to her." (p15)。難過的是,Virginia和Joanne的關係直到Virginia過世都還是蠻糟的。

Joanne有三段婚姻,前兩段以離婚收場,第三段婚姻是她41歲時與當時52歲的Bob Simpson結婚,後來共度了45年歲月。

第一段婚姻在1944年,她21歲,先生是Victor P. Starr,生了一個小孩David。Victor Starr是Joanne在芝加哥大學當講師時的同事,是當時大氣科學的新星,後來在1961年獲得大氣界最高榮譽Rossby Medal。兩人會結婚應該是一時昏頭,因為兩人完全不適合。Joanne後來冷冷的回憶:”If I had lived with him for a week prior to getting married, I never would have done it.” (p34)。因為跟Starr結婚,而芝加哥大學有nepotism rule (裙帶關係),Joanne工作立刻被拔掉。Starr知道有nepotism卻沒有告知她,Joanne覺得這是難以原諒的欺騙行為。

第二段婚姻在1948年,跟Willem Malkus結婚,當時Joanne在芝加哥大學攻讀氣象博士學位,Malkus是同校物理系的研究生,指導教授是費米 (Enrico Fermi)。查了一下,Willem Malkus也是位成就非凡的科學家,是MIT數學系的名譽教授,於2016年去世。他的專長主要是流體力學,並跟同事Edward Lorenz和Louis Howard發明了“Malkus-Howard-Lorenz Waterwheel”,是教混沌理論(chaos theory)的好教材。(MIT News, “Willem Malkus, professor emeritus of mathematics, dies at 92”,。

Joanne和Malkus生了兩個小孩,Stephen和Karen,但是他們的婚姻不幸福,後來也以離婚收場,部分原因是Joanne與當時Woods Hole的首席研究攝影師Claude Ronne外遇。即使後來兩人的戀情結束,他們仍維持不錯的關係,Joanne有時會拜訪Claude,在第三任丈夫Bob Simpson的同意之下。

Joanne寫了很多動人情書給Claude,本書第三章Woods Hole的其中一節標題是 “Joanne and Claude”,講兩人的戀情。放幾個我覺得很動人的情書片段:

“It is now ten months since I have written anything in these notebooks….The writing went to you, sealed in envelopes, instead of in here. Incredible long letters, some of them love letters (I'll admit it now) and more showing the love more subtly, by a need to keep in touch with you, keep close to you, to share my experiences and reaction with you.” (p64)

1960年UCLA大氣系聘Joanne為教授,Joanne認為這是個幾乎夢想般的職位,但她猶豫要不要接受,因為去UCLA就代表要跟在Woods Hole的Claude相隔兩地,距離整整從西岸到東岸。Claude認為:”He told her a full professorship was too good to pass up, and she would regret it if she turned it down.” (p91)。1984年,當Joanne得知Claude過世的消息,她在日記上寫到:

“Last night I cried for the first time since you died. I couldn’t stop crying - and I don’t often cry now, it tears [me] up too much…...The last time I wrote in this notebook in 1960 was near the last time I believed you really loved me, and after that, things went into a terrible tangle. I believe now, a generation later, that the only chance we had to spend more years as lovers was if I had had enough stubbornness and courage to refuse to leave Woods Hole for UCLA. Let Willem go if he wanted. If you, my dear, had lifted a finger or [uttered] a sentence to persuade me, I would not have gone but stay with you - then there would have been no baby Karen and no Mad Margaret, and Joanne and Robert Simpson would not be celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary on December 29, 1984. Am I sorry? Were you sorry? Did you ever wish you’d asked me to stay? I’ll never know.” (p96)

Joanne第三段也是最後一段婚姻是1965年跟颶風科學家Bob Simpson結婚,對雙方來說都是第三度婚姻,當時Joanne是41歲而Bob Simpson是52歲,後來共度了45年歲月。在結婚之前,他們在研究上就有合作,而且很互補的研究組合,會結婚的部分原因是想一起長期工作:She refered to them as a “terrific research team with complementary skills. Where I was weak, he was strong, and vice versa. The two of us together were able to create more than twice as much as the sum of our individual efforts. In part we married because we looked forward to a long life of working closely together. That was the daydream.” (p105)

Joanne是成就驚人的科學家,他的三任丈夫也都是成就驚人的科學家。但是,當時學術圈的nepotism rule,科學家夫妻在同一個地方工作的困難度,還有升遷機會,對她來說是很大很大的障礙。1973年 New York Academy of Sciences辦了一場 “Successful Women in the Sciences”研討會,她在演講提到:”I have experienced three different classes of sex-linked problems in my lifetime. The first is discrimination simply from being a woman. The second comprises difficulties from being a married woman. The third class arises from being a mother.” ,她也給了年輕女性科學家幾個建議。這個演講稿非常值得一讀,Simpson, J., 1973: METEOROLOGIST. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 208, 41–46,

Joanne除了科學上的戰鬥,職場上的戰鬥,她也跟自己的身體和心理戰鬥。她長期受憂鬱症所苦,晚年才比較願意講她的心理健康問題:”My greatest lifelong battle has NOT been being a woman. It has been with moderate to severe depression, which runs in my family. Until I reached 70 I never dared to confide this to anyone but my husband, then I began to discuss it more freely with my children...I also spoke about it with one or two colleagues who appeared to be going through the same ordeal, to see if I can help them, as apparently, I have in one case at least. Now there is no longer need to be afraid of the stigma, since my 54-year career in meteorology has been recognized as outstanding, and I am no longer in a position where I might be looking for another job.”


"From 1964 to 1974 Simpson worked for the National Weather Bureau (later NOAA). While there she was the head of the Experimental Meteorology Laboratory. In 1972 she was awarded the Department of Commerce Gold Medal. (Photograph courtesy Joanne Simpson and the Schlesinger Library)",

放幾張2019去Woods Hole找朋友拍的照片,在Woods Hole談戀愛應該很浪漫。


Fleming, J. R., 2020: First woman: Joanne Simpson and the Tropical Atmosphere, Oxford University Press.

Presentation, James Rodger Fleming, "First Woman: Joanne Simpson and the Tropical Atmosphere"

Simpson, J., 1973: METEOROLOGIST. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 208, 41–46,

Joanne Simpson - Physics History Network

Joanne Simpson - wiki

Joanne Simpson Vignettes