(本文於2024/11/23發表在臉書社團「周佳,遠行平安 Say Farewell to Chia Chou」)
周佳 Chia Chou (1966-2014),得年48歲。圖片來源: 錢芸霞 (2017)
1. 前言
周佳 (Chia Chou; 1966-2014),是台灣在氣候科學領域的著名學者。他1988年於台灣大學大氣科學系畢業,後赴美留學於1997年在加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 取得大氣科學博士學位,2000年返台服務,曾任中央研究院環境變遷研究中心的助研究員、副研究員、研究員,在研究、教學、社群服務皆有出色表現。因不幸罹患癌症,於2014年11月20日過世,得年僅48歲。
周佳的逝世,不僅台灣和全世界痛失一位大氣科學界的英才,對台灣的氣候領域產生一個巨大的人才斷層,在氣候研究的推動或是帶領後進方面,是無法彌補的衝擊。為了紀念周佳及其研究貢獻,中華民國氣象學會從2018年起設立「周佳博士論文獎」來獎勵大氣科學的學生和年輕學者,台灣大氣領域的學者從2018年開始舉辦氣候熱鍋行動論壇 (Climate Hotpots in Action Forum),英文縮寫為CHiA (讀音:佳),以茲對周佳的紀念。
今年 (2024) 是周佳過世十週年,我收集一些資料寫了這篇紀念文章,包含周佳的學經歷、研究貢獻、社群服務、興趣愛好等。雖然我跟周佳老師沒有太多交集,希望這篇文章為這位在氣候科學領域的台灣前輩留下紀錄。撰寫過程中收集到的相關資料放在我的Google雲端硬碟 (link)。
1990/07 - 1991/07,台灣大學大氣科學系,研究助理
1993/03,加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA),大氣科學碩士
1995,麻省理工學院 (MIT) 地球、大氣、暨行星科學系,訪問學者
1997/01,加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA),大氣科學博士
1997/01 - 2000/08,加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) ,博士後研究員
2000/08 - 2001/07,文化大學大氣科學系,客座助理教授
2001/08 - 2003/12,中央研究院地球科學研究所環境變遷研究計畫,助研究員
2004/01 - 2005/03,中央研究院環境變遷研究中心,助研究員
2005/03 - 2009/07,中央研究院環境變遷研究中心,副研究員
2009/09 - 2014/11(歿),中央研究院環境變遷研究中心,研究員
2002/08 - 2005/07,中國文化大學大氣科學系,兼任助理教授
2003/08 - 2005/07,中央大學水文科學研究所,兼任助理教授
2005/08 - 2010/08,中央大學水文科學研究所,兼任副教授
2005/08 - 2010/11,台灣大學大氣科學系,兼任副教授
2010/08 - 2014/11(歿),中央大學水文與海洋科學研究所,兼任教授
2010/11 - 2014/11(歿),台灣大學大氣科學系,兼任教授
2005/01 - 2007/12 國科會大氣學門複審委員
2005/08 - 2009/08 Associate Editor of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO)
2009/08 - 2014/07 Editor of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO)
2011/01 - 2013/12 國科會大氣學門召集人
2012/01 - 2014 (deceased) Member, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Scientific Steering Group (SSG) of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)
Member: American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, and European Geosciences Union.
Referee of journals: J. Atmos. Sci., J. Climate, Climate Dyn., GRL, JGR, Nature, Nature Climate, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., Science, TAO, etc.
2004 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎
2011 國科會傑出研究獎
2014 中央研究院深耕計畫
2015 (歿) 國科會傑出研究獎
2018 中華民國氣象學會設立「周佳博士論文獎」為紀念周佳博士畢生對氣象學術研究之卓越貢獻
2. 少年時代與大學生活
周佳和家人。(由左至右) 周佳、洪玉瑩 (母)、周賚 (父)、和周霖 (弟)。照片年份不明。照片來源:周霖 (2015b)。
周佳於1966年出生於台灣嘉義,父親為周賚,母親為洪玉瑩,還有小他一歲的弟弟周霖。兄弟兩人和同伴時常在周家池塘裡釣魚、爬樹摘芒果、抓蜥蜴、灌蟋蟀、玩彈珠、鬥陀螺、玩尪仔標等 (周霖, 2015c; Anthony Wang, 2014)。周佳在學校的成績很好,1984年從嘉義高中畢業後進入台灣大學大氣科學系就讀。
上大學後,周佳加入了嘉友會和話劇社,自我介紹時總是說他的佳是美麗佳人的佳。喜歡講話又善良敦厚的周佳,跟朋友聊起天來總是沒完沒了,還會互相消遣。周佳有許多綽號,在嘉友會的綽號是「周哥佳」,好像是嘉友鄉服的稱呼慣例 (男性稱「哥」,女性稱「姊」)。在話劇社的綽號是「周蛙」,來由已不可考,有人說是有一次周佳演古裝劇,帶著眼鏡上台,像極了隻大青蛙,所以叫周蛙;有人說是是周佳常常講美麗佳人,所以他們才會把人改成虫,變成周蛙 (Wayne Lin, 2014; 胡中青, 2014)。
周佳大學畢業後在軍中服役兩年,退伍後在台大大氣系當了一年研究助理,於1991年赴美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 攻讀大氣科學。
台大嘉友鄉服團1985杉林溪露營。(上圖) 周佳在照片右邊,身穿藍色短袖上衣。(下圖) 周佳在照片中間偏左,穿藍衣和深藍外套。照片來源:顏美芬 (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=980490725301467&set=p.980490725301467&__tn__=%2CO*F; https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=980491481968058&set=p.980491481968058&__tn__=%2CO*F)。
周佳與母親,照片拍攝於1991年5月25日,應該是周佳赴美求學之前。圖片來源:周霖 (2015a, April 10). https://tonychouou.pixnet.net/blog/post/418220005
3. 赴美求學
圖片來源:錢芸霞 (2017)。
周佳在UCLA的指導教授 Professor. J. David Neelin,是著名氣候科學家,專長是熱帶氣候動力、大氣-海洋交互作用、氣候變遷對熱帶氣候和降水的影響等。周佳延續了Neelin的研究方向,於1997年取得UCLA大氣科學博士學位,論文題目為 “Simplified Radiation and Convection Treatments for Large-scale Tropical Atmospheric Modeling” (可應用於大尺度熱帶大氣模式的簡化輻射與對流處理)。畢業後周佳留在UCLA做了三年博士後研究,2000年返台任教。
「指導教授Dr. J. David Neelin的指導方式跟臺灣教育方式截然不同,常常丟了個題目給他[周佳]後,就不太管。接下來就得靠自己摸索,有什麼問題,再主動跟指導教授約時間討論。他永遠記得博士生涯的第一年,猶如撞牆期,大半時候如墜入雲霧之中的茫然,常是看著電腦螢幕發呆,甚至不斷反覆地問自己:唸了博士要做什麼?這答案雖然到後來才逐漸明朗,但這段求學生涯卻讓他學會獨立思考、釐清問題。周老師認為這是從事基礎研究的必經過程,不但養成了他找問題與思考的習慣,也慢慢的琢磨出一套學術研究的方式。
因此,周老師常常以他自身的經驗鼓勵許多博士生,重要的是要能真誠地去面對這段漫長且孤寂的過程,才能學會獨立探索問題,而不是永遠等著指導教授指派題目、給答案。」(錢芸霞, 2017)。
在UCLA攻讀博士和做博士後期間,周佳除了埋首研究,也常常組織活動和出遊。熱愛旅行和攝影的他,在UCLA的假期常常揪一群朋友出去玩,而且是深度之旅,足跡踏遍美國西岸的主要國家公園如Yosemite、Yellowstone、Grand Teton、Glacier、Grand Canyon、Arches、Zion等,還去過阿拉斯加、佛蒙特州等 (Gilbert Wu, 2014; Lanhuei Chen, 2014)。據他的朋友Gilbert Wu回憶,「他[周佳]對看日出特有興趣,我們跟著看了好幾個國家公園的日出。1997年夏天我們出遊,晚上九點半才到旅館,早上三點半就得爬起來,開車摸黑爬山去Grand Teton看日出。雖然很累,不過那次的日出美景非常非常地洪荒壯麗,令我永生難忘!」(Gilbert Wu, 2014)。
周佳辦旅遊跟他做研究一樣嚴謹認真,他的朋友開玩笑說周佳是主修大氣科學,副修美國旅遊。出遊前周佳會準備一本詳細的行前手冊 (請參考附錄E),包含行程、參加人員、景點介紹、攜帶物品,還有當地的天氣和氣候特徵。出發前周佳會召集參加者開行前會,出發當天,做事負責謹慎的他,怕有人沒時間看行前手冊或是忘了帶,當天一人再發一本 (Lanhuei Chen, 2014)。
周佳的旅遊似乎喜歡按表操課,要是有延誤的話就會不太高興。據友人Lanhuei Chen的回憶:「我因為貪吃,誤了周佳趕路看下個景點的楓葉,把周佳惹火了。他之後二天都不跟我說話,僅管我一直道歉一直道歉。這也是我們之後每次見面,一定要重提的往事!」(Lanhuei Chen, 2014)。
周佳在UCLA時期與朋友的合影,周佳在最右側第二排。拍攝日期:1994年6月19日。照片來源:Po-chi Hu, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10204677161865218
周佳與朋友出遊的照片,左二為周佳。年份、地點不名。照片來源:Lanhuei Chen,
1997年夏天周佳與朋友出遊的照片,周佳在第二排中間。照片來源:Lanhuei Chen,
周佳製作的旅遊行前手冊。照片來源:Lanhuei Chen, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=798764816836474
4. 中研院環變中心
2000年,周佳從美返台任教,在文化大學大氣科學系擔任一年的客座助理教授 (2000-2001),然後到中研院地球科學研究所的環境變遷研究計畫擔任助研究員 (2001-2003)。環境變遷研究計畫歷經四年的籌備期,於2004年正式揭牌成立為環境變遷研究中心 (Research Center for Environmental Changes,以下簡稱環變中心),周佳被環變中心聘為助研究員 (2004-2005)、副研究員 (2005-2009)、研究員 (2009-2014歿)。在中研院任職期間,周佳也兼任了文化大學大氣科學系、中央大學水文科學研究所、台灣大學大氣科學系等校系的教授,並在大學授課,例如他2002年 (91學年度) 和2005年 (94學年度) 在文化大學大氣科學系教大氣輻射課程,師範大學地理學系的洪致文教授留有周佳上課的完整音檔 (Google硬碟連結)。
環變中心成立初期的主要研究方向是大氣組成及大氣輻射收支的變遷、全球氣候系統的變化、以及台灣周邊海域的生物地球化學等領域。周佳是環變中心在氣候領域所聘用的第一位研究人員,他選定研究方向、建立團隊、取得許多傑出的研究成果,逐漸打響環變中心在氣候研究的聲名,也吸引更多氣候領域的優秀人才加入環變中心。周佳很感謝環變中心的劉紹臣院士 (中研院第29屆院士),劉院士是環境變遷研究計畫的主持人 (1999-2004),2004年環變中心成立後擔任首位主任 (2004-2012)。劉院士對學術研究的開放態度與尊重,創造了優良的研究環境,讓周佳一頭栽進研究領域,做出許多重要的研究貢獻,深獲國際學術界讚賞 (錢芸霞, 2017) 。
在環變中心的頭十年,周佳是氣候領域唯一的研究員,跟中心同事的研究合作機會不多,但他會關注同事的研究工作和進展,並給一些建議 (許乾忠, 個人通訊)。後來中心有越來越多的氣候優秀人才加入,雖然他們的研究領域和方向與周佳並不相同,但周佳時常跟他們討論研究想法和觀點,或是他有了初步的研究構想,跟同事討論一些他並不熟悉的細節 (李時雨, 個人通訊; 李威良, 個人通訊)。此外,周佳也常跟同事分享個人經驗跟看法,例如怎麼撰寫研究計畫書、怎麼讓中心變得更好、當大氣學門召集人時遇到不快的事情等 (李威良, 個人通訊; 許乾忠, 個人通訊; 李時雨, 個人通訊)。
當時台灣進行氣候研究的學者不多,但不時有研究討論和交流。幾位學者如劉紹臣、許晃雄、周佳等有感於台灣鮮少使用全球氣候模式及模擬資料來進行研究,認為台灣應該要強化相關研究能量來跟國際接軌。在劉紹臣積極向中研院爭取之下,環變中心添購了叢集電腦nuwa,是台灣第一台專門用於氣候研究的大型電腦設備 (許晃雄, 個人通訊)。nuwa由環變中心負責維護,同時也開放給其他大學或是有需要的學者進行使用。周佳和團隊在nuwa上安裝美國國家大氣研究中心 (NCAR) 發展的社群氣候系統模式第四版 (CCSM4),進行氣候模擬來做研究。
因nuwa電腦使用年限將盡,2014年周佳申請到中研院的深耕計畫,並用計畫經費來幫中心增添更先進的電腦設備,以利進行數據分析與模擬 (錢芸霞, 2017)。中研院原本規劃分年編列設備費,但周佳希望第一年就能拿到全部的設備費,盡快將電腦設備就位開始進行研究。經過跟院方的爭取溝通後,中研院同意第一年撥下大部分的設備費,於是採購作業開始進行 (李威良, 個人通訊; 許乾忠, 個人通訊)。不幸的是,周佳於2014年底病逝,沒能看到他為環變中心所爭取到的設備啟用之日。這個電腦設備後被命名為CHiA,來感謝周佳的貢獻。
叢集電腦CHiA Cluster. 照片來源:許晃雄。
5. 研究興趣與貢獻
「我從研究生時代便從事氣候動力相關的研究工作,早期針對氣候模式中的物理過程如大氣輻射多所琢磨,並利用氣候模式研究大氣、海洋與陸地的交互作用 [註1] 。近年來,研究主力著重於探討全球暖化下造成區域降雨改變的機制,希望藉由了解造成降雨改變的機制,進而能改進氣候模式,增加對未來氣候變遷的推估能力與準確度。除此之外,也針對臺灣與鄰近區域的氣候變異進行深入的研究,以期未來能將在全球暖化的研究成果應用到推估臺灣未來的氣候狀態。」(錢芸霞, 2017)
註1:周佳主要使用的模式是準平衡熱帶環流模式 (Quasi-equilibrium Tropical Circulation models, QTCM; https://atmos.ucla.edu/csi/qtcm/),是他在博士班期間與指導教授Neelin協力開發。
周佳對大氣科學研究充滿熱忱,在討論研究時,他的眼睛就好像會發光一樣,總是滔滔不絕的講他的想法和發現、背後可能的理論、下一步可以看什麼等。他總是把研究講得非常有趣,甚至手舞足蹈,同事和學生都能感受到他的滿滿熱忱。周佳工作非常勤奮且自律,通常早上五、六點就會進辦公室開始工作,他的助理和學生都很佩服 (台大出版中心; 涂建翊, 個人通訊; 陳昭安, 個人通訊)。
在中研院工作期間,周佳常說:「我們一定要靠自己,發表一篇Nature或Science的文章,這樣才有意義」,後來也確實做到了 (涂建翊, 個人通訊)。2013年,他和研究團隊在《自然地球科學》(Nature Geoscience) 發表一篇重要著作〈乾溼季間的季節降雨差距增加〉(Chou, Chia, John C. H. Chiang, Chia-Wei Lan, Chia-Hui Chung , Yi-Chun Liao and Chia-Jung Lee, 2013: Increase in the range between wet and dry season precipitation. Nature Geoscience, 6, 263-267, doi:10.1038/NGEO1744)。這篇文章分析了幾種不同的降水觀測數據,探討1979 年到2010年這三十年來全球和區域的季節降水變化。他們發現乾、溼季節的降雨差距有擴大的趨勢(即濕季更濕、乾季更乾),而且濕季更濕的趨勢發生在氣候上本來就較為潮濕的地區,乾季更乾的趨勢也出現在原本較乾燥的地區。這顯示季節性降水差異隨著全球暖化增強,可能會影響乾旱和洪水的頻率 (更多細節請參考:中研院電子報:觀測資料證實全球暖化造成乾濕季間的季節降雨差距增加)。這篇文章是台灣大氣科學界數十年來第一篇刊登於《自然地球科學》的論文,亦是聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會 (IPCC) 第五次評估報告 (AR5) 中的重要發現之一。
比較少人知道的是,早在2006年,周佳就有一篇文章有機會被Nature接受,當文章審了快一個月後,周佳和研究團隊都想說沒消息應該就是好消息時,突然來了一封信,信上說審查委員認為其中一張圖中的某組觀測降雨結果不是太理想而婉拒刊登。周佳為此懊惱了很久,就因為一張圖中的一條線而失去機會 (涂建翊, 個人通訊)。這篇文章重新修改後順利在《地球物理研究通訊》(Geophysical Research Letters) 刊登,並被列為期刊的研究亮點之一 (Chou, Chia, Jien-Yi Tu, and Pei-Hua Tan, 2007: Asymmetry of tropical precipitation change under global warming. Geophy. Res. Lett., 34, L17708, doi:10.1029/2007GL030327)。
「學術研究就像習武一樣,剛開始拜師學藝總顯得茫然,反覆演練卻又不知未來如何,但一步步投入與摸索,設定問題與思考,不斷接受反覆投稿與退稿的挫折,找出問題後修正,不恥下問地與人討論請益;有朝一日,當任督二脈打通時,就會有一種豁然開朗的通透。」(錢芸霞, 2017)。
周佳曾發表約50篇學術期刊文章 (附錄C)。從事研究這麼多年來,周佳的心得是:
「當你在專業領域發展有了一些成績後,可以自信,但不要自負。自負反而會讓你自我設限,畢竟世界是寬廣的。不論是投入學術研究,或是進入職場,讓自己保持一顆赤子之心,用好奇的態度去探索、了解周遭。勇敢地跨出舒適圈,與國際交流,開拓自己的視野。」(錢芸霞, 2017)。
6. 研究團隊與指導風格
周佳的研究團隊名稱為氣候系統研究組 (Climate System Research Group),包含博士後學者、研究助理、和學生。周佳共指導過兩位博士生,陳昭安 (2011,師範大學地球科學系博士) 和越南籍的 Hien Xuan Bui (2016,中央研究院國際研究生學程-地球系統科學 TIGP-ESS 博士),以及14位碩士生,畢業於師範大學、文化大學、和台灣大學。附錄B列出了周佳指導過的所有學生以及他們的論文題目。
「當年剛進碩班,對大氣科學領域還不熟悉、認識的不夠多,所以沒有太多ideas [想法] 自己想做的題目。我一開始有個想做的題目,但[周佳]老師馬上就分析給我說,雖然眼前這題目看起來很有趣、但長遠來看+實際操作 這題目的發展性並不高。他後來給了我用Gross Moist Stability [GMS; 粗濕穩定度] 看熱帶淺對流和深對流這題目。不管是熱帶對流、對流雲、GMS對我來說都是很陌生的東西,所以研究方向大部分是跟著老師的提點,但老師的指導並不是完全手把手,他會提一些想法、我們一起討論觀念+做法、接下來就讓我自己去摸索研究方法的細節,他也不會催進度。和老師的討論也大多是two-way interaction [雙向交流]」(鍾博婷, 個人通訊)
在討論研究的過程中,周佳會拿出在COSTCO買的黃色筆記本,邊討論就邊把要做的事情、要畫的圖都先寫出來,等學生完成後再約時間繼續討論,直到文章完成為止。這是他的指導風格,所有要做的事情都很明確,不會含糊 (涂建翊, 個人通訊; 陳昭安, 個人通訊)。
如果學生在研究或修課遇到問題,他會很有耐心地講解,並確認學生真正了解其內涵。據他的學生鍾博婷回憶:「[周佳] 講解東西非常清楚,我很少有進去他辦公室,然後困惑走出來的經驗。」(鍾博婷, 個人通訊)。
周佳寫的論文大綱手稿. 照片來源: Chia-chi Wang, https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10152922554368010&set=gm.704420719653032
「每當在研究中遇到問題或感到茫然時去找老師討論,[周佳]老師總是非常樂意花時間與我們分享,無論是研究方法、或是在研究歷程可能會感到茫然地情況。每次與老師的交談,結束後總能讓人找回振奮積極的動力,並對未來的工作方向更有信心。」(陳昭安, 個人通訊)
「[周佳]老師不是個執著於研究成果的人......老師不是只想要學生盡快有研究結果,他注重學生的well-beings [心理和生理的健康狀態]、長遠發展等等。老師對我影響最深的一段話是在我碩班還沒開始前,當時我想要大四上就畢業提前入學、1.5年碩班畢業後就出國,老師表示:”如果妳未來打算留在學術界,做研究是一件長遠的事情,不差這半年,大四下是很珍貴的(玩樂)時光,先去好好玩一玩再來,以後多的是機會做研究。“ 所以我後來不僅大四讀完才進研究所,之後也在老師那邊當了一年助理才出國,把整個出國讀書的腳步放慢、有更多的時間準備 (不止是申請學校的準備,還有做好出國生活和讀書的各種準備) 和探索。......老師當年針對我找未來博班老闆的名單的建議,也是著重在這些老師的mentoring styles [指導風格]: 是不是個好的mentor [指導者]、對待學生的方式,而不是這些老師的名氣、研究做得傑不傑出等等。」(鍾博婷, 個人通訊)
周佳會把去外面開會的出席費拿來辦研究室聚餐,慰勞大家的辛勞,基本上每個月或兩個月就有一次聚餐。周佳常說:「要吃得夠多才能畢業!畢業門檻是增重多少才可以畢業!」,還會跟吃太少的學生開玩笑說:「你吃這樣,應該是畢不了業......」(涂建翊, 個人通訊; 廖怡君, 個人通訊; 鍾博婷, 個人通訊)。
周佳和研究團隊慶祝學生陳昭安的生日 (壽星不在這張照片裡)。照片攝於2006或2007年,於中研院人文社會科學館11樓陽台。照片來源:張玉婷。
周佳的研究團隊突擊慶祝他的47歲生日。照片攝於2013年,在資創中心的周佳辦公室。照片來源. Shing Chang, https://www.facebook.com/groups/704172369677867/posts/704179249677179/
周佳與研究團隊及同事聚餐,周佳在第一排右二。照片時間約為2012或2013年。照片來源:周佳的雲端備份檔案 (Google硬碟連結)。
7. 社群服務
周佳時常與國內外學者交流、討論研究或合作,他的訪客總是絡繹不絕,比較定期的訪客有中國科學院的武亮教授和嘉義大學應用歷史學系的談珮華教授 (李時雨, 個人通訊),據談珮華教授回憶:
「在私校任職期間大多忙於行政事務及備課,校內評鑑研究部分幾乎是交白卷,由於之前工作已與大氣科學脫節多年,小我一屆的周佳系友提議:「有空來中研院吧!」就這樣從十幾年前開始,每年暑假都在中研院閉關研究,題目從「颮線的數值模擬」轉做「全球暖化下熱帶降水的不對稱現象」,並以此論文升等副教授。後來在臺大聽了國外學者的「氣象參數週末效應」演講後,本想仿效,但周佳系友建議我研究假期效應,再加上歷史氣候的論文發表,我才能升等教授。」(談珮華, 2017)
「我在2004年的熱帶氣象與颱風會議第一次碰到周佳老師,當時我快要畢業了,正在找工作,周老師領著我想找 Neelin 博士幫我介紹工作,可惜沒找到人,我想這位學長也太熱心了吧。
過了幾年(2007年底),我們因為家庭因素必須回台灣,許老師[許晃雄]跟我說,寫信給周佳,他會幫忙。果真,2008年三月,威良一畢業,我們回到台灣馬上就進入環變中心作博後。我不是很認真,只出了一篇論文,就去文大當教書匠。」(Chia-Chi Wang, 2014)
周佳擔任國科會大氣學門召集人期間,大氣學界向國科會提出五年的「氣候變遷研究聯盟」(Consortium for Climate Change Study, CCliCS) 主軸研究計劃 (2011-2016),總計劃主持人為中研院環變中心的許晃雄研究員。「氣候變遷研究聯盟」以設於中研院的氣候變遷實驗室 (Laboratory for Climate Change Research, LCCR) 為核心,台灣大學、中央大學、台灣師範大學等大學的研究人員為合作夥伴,培養國內所缺乏的氣候變遷模擬團隊,建立台灣氣候變遷模擬與詮釋所需的關鍵能力,探索氣候系統並推估未來氣候變遷 (許晃雄, 2012; 國科會, 2015)。雖然周佳沒有實際參與這個計畫,但他參與許多討論且在幕後出了不少力,促成這個台灣少見的大型氣候研究計畫 (李威良, 個人通訊; 許晃雄, 個人通訊)。
周佳有感於國內學界資源有限,在擔任大氣學門召集人期間,盡力為資源較少的學校老師爭取研究計畫經費 (錢芸霞, 2017)。他似乎不大認同贏者越贏的資源分配方式,例如研究表現好的人資源就拿越多,而佔去大部分的研究資源。周佳認為資源分配的方式要更公平,才能創造更優良的研究環境。
周佳也積極參與國際科學社群。他曾主持海峽兩岸學術交流計畫,與大陸中科院大氣物理所黃榮輝院士及其研究團隊合作,包括每年互相參訪及召開學術交流會議、邀請對岸年輕研究員訪臺進行短期交流、甚至合作發表論文。在擔任World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Scientific Steering Group (SSG) of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)委員時,周佳曾積極爭取在臺北舉辦年會。卻因病住院治療而不得不暫緩,此事成了他在病中最掛念的未竟之事 (錢芸霞, 2017)。
2010兩岸豪雨與颱風合作研究期中成果研討會,於福州萬達威斯汀酒店。周佳在第一排右四。照片來源:楊進榮 (2011):參加「海峽兩岸氣象科學合作研究成果發表研討會」報告 (報告連結)。
8. 喜歡旅遊和美食
2009於韓國首爾UAW會議期間. 照片來源: Chao-An Chen, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=887959757883405&set=gm.704696919625412&__tn__=%2CO*F
於張家界. 照片來源: Cheng-Ta Chen, https://www.facebook.com/groups/704172369677867/posts/704673566294414/
2011年於澳洲墨爾本IUGG會議. 照片來源: Pei-Hua Tan, https://www.facebook.com/groups/704172369677867/posts/705308836230887
2013年於瑞士Davos. 照片來源: Huang-hsiung Hsu, https://www.facebook.com/groups/704172369677867/posts/704179076343863
2012年於新加坡AOGS會議期間. 照片來源: Pei-Hua Tan,
2013年於韓國釜山12th East Asia Climate Workshop期間. 照片來源: Huang-hsiung Hsu
, https://www.facebook.com/groups/704172369677867/posts/704177709677333/
2013年於瑞士Davos. 照片來源: Huang-hsiung Hsu, https://www.facebook.com/groups/704172369677867/posts/704179076343863
9. 病逝
大約在2013年底,周佳被診斷出罹患白血病,2014年初進入醫院開始接受治療。住院期間,周佳一邊接受化療,有空的時候在病床上遠端指導學生、修改論文、投稿期刊,持續進行學術工作。周佳的朋友笑說周佳是他見過最不像病人的病人,十分佩服周佳的樂觀、毅力、和韌性,也都覺得這個難關一定能撐過去。後周佳獲得骨髓移植,手術過程順利,病情一度好轉,但又突然急轉直下,不幸於2014年11月20日病逝,得年僅48歲。周佳的弟弟周霖先生曾分享周佳在醫院治療的過程,令人動容 (周霖, 2015c)。
周佳過世後,友人在臉書成立了「周佳,遠行平安 Say Farewell to Chia Chou」社團,讓周佳的友人分享對他的回憶和思念。附錄D收錄了幾位友人的追思文章。
10. 總結
周佳在研究、教學、社群服務等方面都盡心盡力,也都有很出色的表現。據他的同事們觀察,周佳在研究上能取得這麼高的成就,因為他能發現新興且重要的研究問題,訂定明確的研究目標和計畫,然後系統性的朝向目標前進,他的研究軌跡十分鮮明 (李時雨, 個人通訊; 許晃雄, 個人通訊)。周佳工作很認真也很有效率,也十分自律,幾乎每天早上五、六點就到辦公室工作,不論寒暑晴雨;周佳喜歡享受美食,但午餐固定吃桂格大燕麥片,除非有其他安排 (李時雨, 個人通訊)。
在處事方面,周佳很有自己的想法,也很有原則,覺得對的事情就要去做,有同事開玩笑說周佳是很「雞婆」的人;如果是他覺得不對的事情,就在現有框架下「想辦法」,例如周佳認為有些行政程序很繁瑣也沒什麼道理,但在規定還沒有改變前就照規定來,不要造成其他人的困擾,如果未來他有能力的話再去改變 (李時雨, 個人通訊)。
「個性率直、處事泰然,周 佳從來毫不掩飾他的真性情,對家人親友真誠付出,對師生同僚熱情關懷。
撰寫過程中收集到的周佳相關資料放在我的Google雲端硬碟 (link)。
我跟周老師沒什麼交集,寫他的紀念文老實說很怪,但我覺得要是不趁現在寫,以後就不會寫了。今年剛好是周老師逝世十週年,是很好的時機點; 我現在剛好在環變中心,可以就近訪談周老師的同事們,中心的行政人員也提供了許多寶貴資料。
這篇紀念文,比我之前寫過的氣象學家故事,花了更多時間和心力,因為要收集和整理資料,例如「周佳,遠行平安 Say Farewell to Chia Chou」臉書社團的文章、周老師的雲端檔案像個人網頁、課程講義、照片等、聯繫周老師之前的學生、訪談環變中心的同事等,然後吸收消化這些資料後再寫成文章,感覺像做了一個小型的研究計畫。
Obituary of Chia Chou
May 1966 - November 2014
Chia Chou, one of the original members of Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica (RCEC), passed away on November 20, 2014 in Taipei, after a year-long battle with cancer. He is 48 years old and survived by his wife Vivian.
He received B.S. from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University and his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from UCLA, working with David Neelin on tropical atmospheric modeling. After he returned to Taiwan, he became a Research Fellow at RCEC, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, with joint faculty appointments at National Taiwan University and National Central University. He is well known internationally for his contributions to understanding precipitation changes under global warming and other key mechanisms in tropical climate dynamics. He was recognized by the Ta-You Wu Commemorative Award of National Science Council for scientists younger than 40 of all fields in Taiwan and the Outstanding Research Award of National Science Council of Taiwan, and had served on the Scientific Steering Group (SSG) of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX).
Chia had been an enthusiastic mentor to many young Taiwanese scientists in climate research. He had been active in the joint typhoon-climate research between Taiwan and China for the past 5-6 years. He was a joyful person, full of life and boundless good humor, and a pleasure to interact with. He will be long remembered as a good friend, a great teacher, an excellent scientist, and a wonderful person.
This Obituary was written by Huang-hsiung Hsu (許晃雄). It was sent to SSG GEWEX.
周佳在台灣指導的碩博士班學生。資料來源:臺灣碩博士論文知識加值系統 (https://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/)。
2016 (deceased)
Bui, Hien Xuan, Jia-Yuh Yu, and Chia Chou, 2016: Impacts of Vertical Structure of Large-Scale Vertical Motion in Tropical Climate: Moist Static Energy Framework, J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 4427–4437, doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-16-0031.1.
Chen, Chao-An, Jia-Yuh Yu, and Chia Chou, 2016: Impacts of vertical structure of convection in global warming: The role of shallow convection, J. Climate, 29, 4665-4684, doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0563.1
Liu, Yuwei, John, C. H. Chiang, Chia Chou and Christina M. Patricola, 2014: Atmospheric teleconncetion mechanisms of extratropical North Atlantic SST influence on Sahel rainfall. Climate Dynamics , doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2094-8
Lin, Yu-Wei, LinHo, and Chia Chou, 2014: The role of the New Guinea Cross-equatorial Flow in the interannual variability of the western North Pacific summer monsoon. Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 044003, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/4/044003.
Wu, Liang, Chia Chou, Cheng-Ta Chen, Ronghui Huang, Thomas R. Knutson, Joseph J. Sirutis, Stephen T. Garner, Christopher Kerr, Chia-Jung Lee and Ya-Chien Feng, 2014: Simulations of the present and late 21st century western North Pacific tropical cyclone activity using a regional model. J. Climate, 27, 3405-3424, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00830.1. (NSC98-2745-M-001-005-MY3)
Chen, Guanghua and Chia Chou, 2014: Joint contribution of multiple equatorial waves to tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific, Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 79-93. doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-13-00207.1
Chou, Chia, Tzu-Chin Wu and Pei-Hua Tan, 2013: Changes in gross moist stability in the tropics under global warming. Climate Dynamics, 41, 2481-2496, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1703-2. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3, NSC100-2621-M-492-001 and NSC100-2111-M-415-001)
Dai, Aiguo, Hongmei Li, Ying Sun, Li-Ciao Hong, LinHo, Chia Chou, and Tianjun Zhou, 2013: The relative roles of upper and lower tropospheric thermal contrasts and tropical influences in driving asian summer monsoons. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 7024-7045, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50565. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3)
Huang, Ping, Chia Chou and Ronghui Huang, 2013: The Activity of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in CMIP3 Global Climate Models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, 697-711, doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0761-4. (NSC98-2745-M-001-005-MY3)
Chou, Chia, John C. H. Chiang, Chia-Wei Lan, Chia-Hui Chung , Yi-Chun Liao and Chia-Jung Lee, 2013: Increase in the range between wet and dry season precipitation. Nature Geoscience, 6, 263-267, doi:10.1038/NGEO1744. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3 and NSC100-2621-M-492-001) ** News in Nature Geoscience - April 29, 2013 **
Tu, Jien-Yi, and Chia Chou, 2013: Changes in precipitation frequency and intensity in the vicinity of Taiwan: typhoon vs. non-typhoon events. Environ. Res. Lett., 8, 014023, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014023. (NSC 98-2745-M-001-005-MY3, NSC 99-2111-M-034-003 and NSC 100-2119-M-034-001)
Tan, Pei-Hua, Chia Chou and Charles C.-K. Chou, 2013: Impact of urbanization on the air pollution "holiday effect" in Taiwan. Atmos. Environ., 70, 361-375, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.01.008. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3 and NSC101-2111-M-415-001)
Ko, Ken-Chung, Huang-Hsiung Hsu and Chia Chou, 2012: Propagation and Maintenance Mechanism of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and TC feedback in the Western North Pacific. J. Climate, 25, 8591-8610.
Chen, Chao-An, Chia Chou and Cheng-Ta Chen, 2012: Regional perspective on mechanisms for precipitation frequency and intensity under global warming. J. Climate, 25, 8487-8501. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3 and NSC100-2621-M-492-001)
Scherllin-Pirscher, B., C. Deser, S.-P. Ho, C. Chou, W. Randal and Y.-W. Kuo, 2012: The vertical and spatial structure of ENSO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from GPS radio occultation measurements. Geophy. Res. Lett., 39, L20801, doi:10.1029/2012GL053071.
Chou, Chia, Chao-An Chen, Pei-Hua Tan and Kwan-Ting Chen, 2012: Mechanisms for global warming impacts on precipitation frequency and intensity. J. Climate, 25, 3291-3306. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3 and NSC98-2625-M-492-011)
Chou, Chia, and Chia-Wei Lan, 2012: Changes in the annual range of precipitation under global warming. J. Climate, 25, 222-235. (NSC99-2111-M-001-003-MY3 and NSC98-2625-M-492-011)
Huang, Ping, Chia Chou, and Ronghui Huang, 2011: Seasonal modulation of tropical intraseasonal oscillations on tropical cyclone geneses in the western North Pacific. J. Climate, 24, 6339-6352. (NSC98-2745-M-001-005-MY3)
Tu, Jien-Yi, Chia Chou, Pinng Huang and Ronghui Huang, 2011: An abrupt increase of intense typhoons over the western North Pacific in early summer. Environ. Res. Lett., 6, 034013, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/034013. (NSC98-2745-M-001-005-MY3) ** News in ERL - October 18, 2011 **
Chou, Chia, and Yu-Chien Hsueh, 2010: Mechanisms of northward propagating intraseasonal oscillation---A comparison between the Indian Ocean and the western North Pacific. J. Climate, 23, 6624-6640. (NSC98-2628-M-001-001)
Yan-Hui Hsu, Chia Chou, and Kuo-Yen Wei, 2010: Land-ocean asymmetry of tropical precipitation changes in the mid-Holocene. J. Climate, 23, 4133-4151. (NSC98-2628-M-001-001)
Chou, Chia, and Chao-An Chen, 2010: Depth of convection and the weakening of tropical circulation in global warming. J. Climate, 23, 3019-3030. (NSC98-2628-M-001-001)
Wang, Chia-Chi, Chia Chou, and Wei-liang Lee, 2010: Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone breakdown and reformation in the moist atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 1247-1260. (NSC97-2628-M-001-002)
Yu, Jia-Yuh, Chia Chou, and Ping-Gin Chiu, 2009: A revised accumulated cyclone energy index. Geophy. Res. Lett., 36, L14710, doi:10.1029/2009GL039254. (NSC97-2628-M-001-002)
Tu, Jien-Yi, Chia Chou, and Pao-Shin Chu, 2009: Abrupt shift of typhoon activity in the vicinity of Taiwan and its association with the western North Pacific-East Asian climate change J. Climate, 22, 3617-3628. (NSC96-2628-M-001-019)
Chou, Chia, Li-Fan Huang, Lishan Tseng, Jien-Yi Tu, and Pei-Hua Tan, 2009: Annual cycle of rainfall in the western North Pacific and East Asian sector. J. Climate, 22, 2073-2094. (NSC96-2628-M-001-019)
Chou, Chia, Li-Fan Huang, Jien-Yi Tu, Lishan Tseng, and Yu-Chieh Hsueh, 2009: El Nino impacts on precipitation in the western North Pacific-East Asian sector. J. Climate 22, 2039-2059. (NSC96-2628-M-001-019)
Chou, Chia, J. David Neelin, Chao-An Chen, and Jien-Yi Tu, 2009: Evaluating the "rich-get-richer" mechanism in tropical precipitation change under global warming J. Climate, 22, 1982-2005. (NSC96-2628-M-001-019)
Tan, Pei-Hua, Chia Chou, Jing-Yi Liang, Charles C.-K. Chou, and Chein-Jung Shiu, 2009: Air pollution "holiday effect" resulting from the Chinese New Year. Atmos. Environ., 43, 2114-2124, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.01.037. (NSC97-2628-M-001-002)
Chou, Chia, and Jien-Yi Tu, 2008: Ocean-atmosphere-land feedbacks on the western North Pacific-East Asian summer climate. Recent Progress in Atmospheric Sciences with Application to the Asia-Pacific Region, K.-N. Liou et al. ed., The World Scientific Publishing Company, 23-48.
Tan, Pei-Hua, Chia Chou, and Jien-Yi Tu, 2008: Mechanisms of global warming impacts on robustness of tropical precipitation asymmetry. J. Climate, 21, 5585-5602. (NSC95-2111-M-001-001)
Chou, Chia, and Jien-Yi Tu, 2008: Hemispherical asymmetry of tropical precipitation in ECHAM5/MPI_OM during El Nino and under global warming. J. Climate, 21, 1309-1332. (NSC95-2111-M-001-001)
Chou, Chia, Jien-Yi Tu, and Pei-Hua Tan, 2007: Asymmetry of tropical precipitation change under global warming. Geophy. Res. Lett., 34, L17708, doi:10.1029/2007GL030327. (NSC95-2111-M-001-001) ** AGU Journal Highlight - October 2007 **
Chou, Chia, and Min-Hui Lo, 2007: Asymmetric responses of tropical precipitation during ENSO. J. Climate, 20, 3411-3433. (NSC94-2111-M-001-001)
Chou, Chia, J. D. Neelin, J.-Y. Tu, and C.-T. Chen, 2006: Tropical regional precipitation change mechanisms in ECHAM4/OPYC3 under global warming. J. Climate, 19, 4207-4223. (NSC93-2111-M-001-001)
Chou, Chia, J. D. Neelin, U. Lohmann, and J. Feichter, 2005: Local and remote impacts of aerosol climate forcing on tropical precipitation. J. Climate, 18, 4621-4636. (NSC92-2111-M-001-001)
Chou, Chia, and J. D. Neelin, 2004: Mechanisms of global warming impacts on regional tropical precipitation. J. Climate, 17, 2688-2701. (NSC91-2111-M-001-002)
Chou, Chia, 2004: Establishment of the low-level wind anomalies over the western North Pacific during ENSO development. J. Climate, 17, 2195-2212. (NSC91-2111-M-001-002)
Neelin, J. D., Chia Chou, and H. Su, 2003: Tropical drought regions in global warming and El Niño teleconnections. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(24), 2275, doi:10.1029/2003GL018625. (NSC91-2111-M-001-002) ** AGU Journal Highlight - January 2004 **
Chou, Chia, J.-Y. Tu, and J.-Y. Yu 2003: Interannual variability of the western North Pacific summer monsoon: Differences between ENSO and non-ENSO years. J. Climate, 16, 2275-2287. (NSC90-2119-M-001-020)
Chou, Chia 2003: Land-sea heating contrast in an idealized Asian summer monsoon. Clim Dyn, 21, 11-25. (NSC90-2119-M-001-020)
Chou, Chia, and J. D. Neelin, 2003: Mechanisms limiting the northward extent of the northern summer monsoons over North America, Asia and Africa. J. Climate, 16, 406-425. (NSC89-2811-M-034-0001)
Chou, Chia, J. D. Neelin, and H. Su., 2001: Ocean-atmosphere-land feedbacks in an idealized monsoon. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 127, 1869-1891.
Su, H., J. D. Neelin, and Chia Chou, 2001: Tropical teleconnection and local response to SST anomalies during the 1997-1998 El Nino. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 20025-20044.
Chou, Chia and J. D. Neelin, 2001: Mechanisms limiting the southward extent of the South American summer monsoon. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2433-2436.
Zeng, N., J. D. Neelin, Chia Chou, J. W.-B. Lin, and H. Su, 2000: Climate and variability in the first quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model. In General Circulation Model Development: Past, Present, and Future, D. A. Randall, ed., Academic Press, 457-488.
Zeng, N., J. D. Neelin, and Chia Chou, 2000: The first quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model-implementation and simulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 1767-1796.
Chou, Chia and J. D. Neelin, 1999: Cirrus detrainment-temperature feedback. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1295-1298.
Yu, J.-Y., Chia Chou, and Neelin, 1998: Estimating the gross moist stability of the tropical atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 1354-1372.
Chou, Chia and J. D. Neelin, 1996: Linearization of a longwave radiation scheme for intermediate tropical atmospheric models. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 15129-15145.
王寶貫 (中央研究院院士; 中研院環變中心前主任)
您是我台大的學弟,也是UCLA的學弟。我們曾經飽看 滿園杜鵑花的艷麗,也多年浸沐在 有濃郁尤加利芳香的南加州空氣中。
主任 王寶貫 敬弔」
王嘉琪 (文化大學,大氣科學系,教授)
「我在2004年的熱帶氣象與颱風會議第一次碰到周佳老師,當時我快要畢業了,正在找工作,周老師領著我想找 Neelin 博士幫我介紹工作,可惜沒找到人,我想這位學長也太熱心了吧。
J. David Neelin (Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA)
“It is with greatest sadness that I am passing on the news that our dear colleague and AOS graduate alumnus Chia Chou has passed away from cancer two days ago, Nov. 19, at the National Taiwan University Hospital.
Chia completed his PhD in 1997 here at UCLA, working with me on tropical atmospheric modeling and, was a Research Fellow at the Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, with affiliations at the National Taiwan University in National Central University. He is well known internationally for his contributions to understanding precipitation change under global warming and other topics in tropical climate dynamics. He had received the Ta-You Wu Commemorative Award of the National Science Council for scientists younger than 40 of all fields in Taiwan and the Outstanding Research Award of the National Science Council of Taiwan, and had served on the Scientific Steering Group of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment.
In addition to an academic leader, Chia was a wonderful person, full of life and boundless good humor, and a joy to interact with. Chia had worked closely with Kuo-Nan Liou on key activities such as the director search for RCEC, and maintained close ties to many of us in his visits to the US. It was a great privilege to have been able to work with him over these years, and to watch him grow from an enthusiastic PhD student to the talented and energetic research leader he became. His loss will be felt deeply.”
附錄E:周佳的 Summer 2000 Yellowstone Trip Prospectus
Summer 2000 Yellowstone Trip Prospectus
Chia Chou
June 14, 2000
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1565
Internet: chia@atmos.ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 825-4432 (O)
(909) 398-1042 (H)
1. Outline
July 1 to July 8, 2000
Approximated expense (per person):
plane ticket: 161
car+gas: 133
lodging: 223
fishing: 68
cookout: 44
subtotal (excluding foods): $629
Hui Ping Chang, Shirley Chao, Chen-Chen Chen, Lan Huei Chen,
Vivian Chien, Chia Chou, James Fan, Lily Fan
Ming-Chih Ho, George Liu, Nancy Shen, Bor Lin Yuan
2. Routes
Day 1 (7/1): Ontario, CA → (airplane) → Salt Lake City → Big Hole Mt. Dr.
→ Jackson (dinner) → Signal Mt. Lodge (check-in) →
→ sunset photographing and wild animal watching →
→ Signal Mt. Lodge (mileage: ~360 miles)
Day 2 (7/2): Signal Mt. Lodge → Oxbow Bend (sunrise and wild animals) →
Signal Mt. Lodge → String Lake → Lupine Meadows Trailhead
(6.2 mile hike and picnic) → Taggart Lake Trailhead →
Signal Mt. Lodge (dinner) → wild animal watch and sunset
photographing → Signal Mt. Lodge (milage: ~100 miles)
Day 3 (7/3): Signal Mt. Lodge → sunrise photographing and wild animal watch
→ Grand Canyon of Yellowstone → Roosevelt Lodge
(old west cookout and horseback riding) →
Canyon Lodge & Cabins (milage: 136 miles)
Day 4 (7/4): Canyon Lodge and Cabins → Hayden Valley, Lamar Valley (wild animal
watch) → Fishing Bridge (fishing on the Yellowstone Lake) →
dinning at Grant Village → Canyon Lodge and Cabins (milage: 92 miles)
Day 5 (7/5): Canyon Lodge and Cabins → Mammoth Hot Spring →
→ picnic at Vigirnia Cascades → Grand Prismatic Spring →
→ Upper Geyser Basin → dinning at Old Faithful Inn →
Canyon Lodge and Cabins (milage: 188 miles)
Day 6 (7/6): Canyon Lodge and Cabins → Helena (lunch) → St Mary Lake →
Rising Sun Motor Inn (milage: 400 miles)
Day 7 (7/7): Rising Sun Motor Inn → Logan Pass → Lake McDonald
→ Helena (milage: 273 miles)
Day 8 (7/8): Helena → Idaho Falls (lunch) → Salt Lake City → (airplane) →
Ontario, CA (milage: 482 miles)
3. Attractions
3.1 Big Hole Mountain Dirve
This is a 21 mile drive over Big Hole Mountains rising from the banks of the Snake River, winding along the rim of a narrow gorge, and topping a lovely mountains pass overlooking Wyoming's Teton Range. There is a side trip taking us to Fall Creek Fall, a 60-foot cascade over travertine outcroppings. We didn't pass this drive during the 1997 trip.
3.2 Grand Teton NP
We will stay here for two sunrises (the 2nd and 3rd days of July) and sunsets (the 1st and 2nd days of July). Sunrises are optional, so you don't need to get up earlier in the morning. However, I strongly recommand you to the early trip because you can see not only views of sunrises, but also a very good chance seeing wild animals.
Oxbow Bend This is probably the most photographed spot in the park and an excellent sunrise destination. The Snake River forms interesting curves and curve-shaped ponds that provide wonderful reflections of the peaks of Mt. Moran. This is one of the best spot for wildlife in the park. In the early morning and dusk, we can find moose feeding in the willows, and waterfowl, trumpeter swans, great blue herons and osprey fishing in the river. Remember the first dawn of 1997 trip? We didn't have a good look in 1997 because of heavy mist. Hope we are lucky this time.
Signal Mountain Signal Mountain is apart from the Teton Range at the north end of the valley and provides an excellent platform to photograph views of the Tetons, Jackson Lake and Jackson Hole. This is a good destination for sunsets. In summer, wildflowers are all along the road to the top of the mountain. In 1997, we had a very good sunrise on the top of the mountain.
String Lake One mile trail takes us to outstanding views of Mt. Moran. The mirror stillness of the lake provides stunning reflections. A hike should be best planned for morning. The early morning mist can make it even more magical. Don't complain to me about mosquitos this time. Just remember to bring something to protect you from them.
Hiking trail From Lupine Meadows Trailhead to Taggart Lake Trailhead, it is a 6.5 mile hike one way. Lupine Meadows is a good place to photograph wildflowers in June and July. In the Cottonwood Creek area we might find some elk, pronghorn and, occasionally, bison. We will spend a half day here and take one way only. We will also have a picnic somewhere on the trail.
3.3 Yellowstone NP
I adapt some interpretation of the hydrothermal features in Yellowstone from "A photographic and comprehensive guide to Yellowstone National Park".
Geyser: A geyser is a hot sprint that intermittently jettisons heated water out of its crater into the air. Ground water heated by the molten rock below the surface from 5,000 to 20,000 feet is forced back up by cooler water seeping down. But this hot water trying to rise up through the plumbing system is held down and pressurized by the weight of the water in the column above it. However, temperature and pressure will reach a critical point, and steam bubbles are formed to push the overlying water up and out of the geyser's neck. Then, it precedes an eruption of geysers. There are two types of geysers in Yellowsonte: cone geysers and fountain geysers. In a cone geyser, the geyserite has been deposited near the mouth or orifice and has built higher and higher into a cone. In other words, the water rises out of a relatively dry hole. In a fountain geyser, the geyserite has formed a basin that holds the first overflow water in a pool nad the water rises out it like a fountain.
Hot spring: This term is commonly used to denote two specific types of hot springs in the park: The first one is just like a cone geyser but eruptions because soft limestone can't allow great pressure to build up as they do in geysers. The second one is like a fountain geyser without eruptions because of sufficent heat dissipation by boiling and by surface evaporation (example: Morning Glory Pool).
Fumarole: It is modified hot spring in which the water supply is so limited that the heat below constantly converts all the water into steam.
Mud pots: These are kinds of fumaroles but they are caused by steam rising through ground water which has dissolved local rocks into clays.
Geyserite: It forms the cones and basins around geysers and hot springs. It was mostly silica dissolved by the hot water below the surface. When the water cools or evaporates at the surface, the silica is deposited in various shapes.
Colors of water: (example: Grand Prismatic Spring) Blue-natural blue of water, mostly found in hot water which algae and bacteria can't exist. Yellow-algae in cooler water of low or no acidity. When temperauter drops, orange and brown algae appear. Green-yellow algae combined with the blue of the water. Bright green-algae in hot acidic water. Purple-algae in cooler acidic water.
Colors of rocks: Yellow-sulphur. Orange, red, brown, or black-various forms of iron oxides and iron sulfides.
Upper Geyser Basin The major focus here is Old Faithful Geyser which is probably the only geyser we will watch during this trip. Old Faithful is "The Queen of Geyser", the world's mst publicized geyser. It erupts 21 to 23 times every day. Its eruption has two patterns: short ones that last 1 and a half to 2 minutes and long ones that last 3-5 minutes. Its average height is about 130 feet, but it can reach as high as 184 feet. Remeber the sunset of the Old Faithful which Maira almost made us go back again for? We will definitely stay here for the sunset and a dinner at the historic Old Faithful Inn. We may revisit Morning Glory Pool (One of the most beautiful pools in the Park. The lower temperature has allowed yellow algae to grow, modifying the original deep pure blue to a blue-green.) and Grand Geyser (the largest predictable geyser now active in the basin. It erupts every 8-15 hours, normally for 12-20 minutes. Unlike most geysers, its orifice is at the bottom of a pool some 25 feet deep.)
Midway Geyser Basin Enormous crater of Excelsior Geysers in its last known eruption, in 1888, blew to some 300 feet. Grand Prismatic Spring, 370 feed wise, Yellowstone's largest hot spring, the third largest in the world. This time we will try to find a short trail up north to Bluff Point, so we can have a good view for a panorama of Midway Geyser Basin with a chance to photo the whole Grand Prismatic Spring.
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone is eroded by the Yellowstone River which starts from Yellowstone Lake. Following the great volcanic cataclysm in this area a few hundred thousand years ago. Hot water and acid combined with gases and minerals from the rocks became an excellent solvent. The acid, gases, hot water and steam worked on the rhyolite and decayed the rocks which became weakened and easily eroded. With some of other causes, the canyon was formed.
Mammoth Hot Spring The hot springs and their terraces are constantly changing. A hot spring which were active last year may be inactive this year. Last two times I have been there Minerva Terrace is active. We will look around to see if there is a new one active beside Minerva.
Lamar Valley Lamar Valley were created by a great glacier 10,000 years ago. At dawn, we can look for wild animal in this valley. In 1995, I saw a mom bear with her baby playing here. I also saw pronghorn in 1995.
3.4 Beartooth Highway
This highway is a designated national forest scenic byway which wasw described by CBS as "the most beautiful drive in America". This 69 mile drive will reach heights of 11,000 feet, so be prepared to see snow coverd everywhere, even in July.
3.5 Glacier NP
St. Mary Lake The place we will stay for the night is on the north shore of St. Mary Lake. We will take a trail along the lake (see map ). Two places we will visit are St. Mary Fall and Virginia Fall. We might find some thimbleberries which taste good.
Logan Pass This is the primary destination of most visitors to Glacier. We will take a walk, about a mile and half (see map ), to the Hidden Lake Overlook . The panormic views in every direction are breathtaking.
Lake McDonald We will take an easy work to Avalanche Lake (see map ),
4. Activities
4.1 Horseback riding and cookout
One hour horseback riding takes to a remote place. The dinner serves with barbeque steaks and coffee cooked over a campfire.
4.2 Guided fishing trip
Beneath the surface of the largest alpine lake in North America swim wild aquatic spirits, capable of taking a fishing pole and beding it like a twig. The spirits, known as cutthroat trout, are native to Yellowstone Lake and make for an exiting day of fishing. The guide will take us to the hot spots.
5. Summer Climate and Recommended Clothing
5.1 Table of temperature
5.2 Climate and Clothing
Average maximum summer temperatures are usually in the 70s (25C) and occasionally in the 80s (30C) in the lower elevations. Nights are cool and temperatures may drop into the 30s and 40s (0-10C). Depending on the elevation, temperatures may even fall into the 20s (-5C) with a light freeze. June can be cool and rainy; July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers and lightning storms are common. During lightning storms get off water or beaches and stay away from ridges, exposed places, and isolated trees. At any time of year, be prepared for sudden changes; unpredictability, more than anything else, characterizes Yellowstone's weather. We recommend that you bring a warm jacket and rain gear even in the summer. If you plan to visit Yellowstone during spring or fall, call ahead for current weather and road information since sudden storms may result in cold temperatures, snow and/or temporary road closures. In summer, stop at visitor centers or ranger stations for weather forecasts. Always carry extra clothing when hiking. Good walking shoes and layers of clothing are recommended throughout the year.
6. Transportation
Airplane: Delta Airline
7/1: Ontario, CA Salt Lake City, UT-- 528, 6:20 am 9:00 am.
7/8: Salt Lake City, UT Ontario, CA-- 1948, 6:40 pm 7:18 pm.
Two minivans: Alamo Car Rent
$264 + 25.85% tax/surcharge + $28.00 additional driver
with unlimited miles
Confirmation: 4502064 and 4502488
7. Lodging
8. Stuff to bring
Also check activities and climate and clothing sections.
8.1 Individuals
Bring a jacket, binoculars (for wild animal watching)
anti-Mosquitos oil (some of us should remember),
hiking boots, water bottles (for hiking), cameras and lots of films
cassette tapes, CDs, snack, personal kit and personal medicine
sunglasses, hat, suntan lotion and cash (aound $150).
8.2 Groups
Alarm clock, drinking water, can opener, knife, hair dryer, game stuff,
CD player and car kit.
台大出版中心. 不斷學習如何當一位好老師:羅敏輝 老師
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